These wonderfully dried elk sausages are a traditional delicacy, made from the finest elk meat. Their rich aroma and flavorful taste make them the perfect choice for snacking or cooking up hot dishes. Crafted with love and attention to detail, they make a splendid addition to your table.
Ainesosat: karhunliha, sianliha, kotisian rasva, vesi, mausteet, askorbiinihappo, nitriittisuola.
Ingredienser: björnkött, griskött, tamgrisfett, vatten, kryddor, askorbinsyra, nitritsalt.
Ruotsalainen raaka-aine. Ei allergeeneja elintarvikeviranomaisten allergeenilistan mukaan. Svensk råvara. Inga allergener enligt livsmedelsmyndighetens allergenlista.